Medical university students' health protection in post-industrial world: problems and potential solutions



PhD T.V. Kurova1
PhD, Professor E.N. Medvedeva2
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Zhmakin1
A.V. Danilov1
1Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Tver
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

The study analyses some issues of the medical university students’ health protection in the post-industrial world. Subject to the questionnaire survey under the study were the first- and second-year students of Tver State Medical University, with the survey generating the data on the academic physical education opportunities and barriers for habitual physical trainings and healthy lifestyle. The survey found the medical university students’ health being on the fall due to presumably excessive academic workloads and growing physical inactivity. Based on the study data and analysis, we found the need for due health building culture being developed in the medical university students for success of their professional medical careers. We believe that this problem may be solved if the valid educational standards are revised, the relevant sport assets and services are expanded and the academic physical education curricula are improved to step up the students’ motivations for sustainable physical progress. 

Keywords: health, medical university students, questionnaire survey, physical education.


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