Developing grounds for personally-centered non-core academic physical education model
PhD, Professor S.I. Belykh1
1Donetsk National University, Donetsk
The article analyses the personality- and environment-centred non-core modern academic physical education model with the relevant goals including: integral knowledge of the human nature and culture viewed as the system of norms and values providing a frame for the personality development on the relevant humanitarian (ethical, moral, cultural and aesthetical) foundations to shape up an intelligent and physically cultured individual; cultivate the need for and ability to be governed by the humanitarian motivations and purposes in the physical education process; develop a reflexion ability to critically rate own physical and spiritual progress; and facilitate relevant self-learning, self-development and self-control abilities in the physical education domain with a special emphasis on the persistent spiritual and physical progress viewed as the key component of a healthy lifestyle. The study findings give grounds for the conclusion that due knowledgebase and grounded requirements to the non-core physical education need to be developed to build up and apply the personality-centred non-core academic physical education model at every university.
Keywords: personality-centred approach, environment-centred approach, non-core academic physical education model.
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