Research and practical activity of academic physical education teachers in Siberia: sociological analysis



PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Sokolova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.N. Poboronchuk1
1Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

The study analysed the research and practical activity of the academic physical education teachers in Siberia using a set of the relevant research and practical activity rating criteria developed in the primary stage of the study. The faculty research and practical activity in the Siberian region was rated and analysed to find that 50% of the academic physical education specialists are little if at all active in the research and practical domain. The study shows that such inactivity is detrimental to the academic progress of students in the Physical Education discipline. The sociological data and analyses gave the means to develop and offer due educational process mechanisms to advance the research and practical activity of the Siberian academic faculty.

Keywords: sociological analysis, physical education specialists, research and practical activity.


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