Rating 6-7 year old children's fitness for GTO complex tests
Postgraduate A.A. Abuzdina1
PhD, Professor V.M. Tsinker1
1Buryat State University, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude
Physical development rates are now ranked among the key health indices of an underage population. Physical development rating and monitoring studies make it possible to take timely initiatives to prevent, identify and correct potential and actual developmental disorders.
The national modernised “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex reinstatement project is designed to promote healthy lifestyles, physically activate schoolchildren and advance their physical development process. The GTO Complex tests make it possible to profile physical progress versus primary development levels and rate physical health.
Subject to the physical fitness and development rating study were 6-7 year old randomly sampled children (n=134 including 55 girls and 69 boys). The study data may be beneficial for further efforts to improve the efficiency of the physical education process at the relevant establishments. The study data show the children’s primary development levels being too low and requires a higher priority being given to their overall endurance, coordination ability and technical fitness building training components.
Keywords: Russian GTO Complex, physical development, physical fitness.
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