Preschoolers' biometrics in Sakha Republic: education psychology analysis
PhD, Associate Professor S.S. Gulyaeva1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The study analyses the kindergarten attending preschoolers’ biometrical test data generated by ‘Genetic-test’ program that was designed based on extensive dermatoglyphic research data array. Subject to the study were 5-6 year olds (n=72) from ‘Chuoraanchyk’ kindergarten attending the Child Development Centre in Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The unique ‘Genetic-test’ program generated the following test data: individual predisposition for one or another education model; most promising vocational specialisation; vocational field; self-fulfilment model; health status and health risks; predisposition for obesity; sensitivity to different factors of influence; general physicality indices; nervous system resource; temperament; and openness to novelty. The study data and analyses were found beneficial for understanding the child, his/her potential resource mobilising, potential talent identification; and setting priorities for the individual development path.
Keywords: preschoolers, biometry, qualities, individuality, forecast, child’s abilities.
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