Individualized sports and health volleyball practices applied in professional physical training of technical university faculty



D.V. Loginov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
1Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

Presently the national sport science gives little if any attention to the professional applied physical training of modern university faculty and, as a result, their overall health situation tends to degrade with time undermining the educators’ professional fitness and productivity in attaining the key process goal that is to train competent specialists. The study was intended to bridge this gap by an experimental Individualized sport-and-health volleyball course applied in professional physical training of the technical university faculty. Subject to the experiment completed in 2014-17 were 53 university educators aged 45-54 years. The experimental training course was individualized to the age, primary physical fitness levels, educational and examinational workloads and vacations of the sample to secure progress of the educators in the sport-and-health volleyball practices.

Keywords: individualized method, professional applied physical training, university faculty, health volleyball practice.


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