Benefits of fitness programs applied in children's health camps
Master's students A.V. Chernyavskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The study explores benefits of the fitness model applied in children’s health camp including its procedures, content, design, practices, and progress rating components. Subject to the study were 10-11 year old girls (n=10) attending “Childhood Workshop” day camp with its 21-day creative course including weaving, ceramics, dress-making and modern decorative arts. The sample was split up into Experimental Group (n=22) trained under the new fitness program and Reference Group (n=18). For the study purposes we applied the following methods: modeling; anthropometrical measurements; standard clinical examinations; cardiovascular/ respiratory system functionality test methods; mental condition tests; and mathematical methods of statistics. The experimental fitness program was found beneficial as verified by the meaningful progress in physical working capacities, vital indices and mental statuses achieved by the children for the camping season.
Keywords: fitness, children’s health camp, fitness model design and practices.
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