Success factors of Russian national team competitive performance in 2016 World Futsal Championship



PhD A.V. Goferberg1
Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev1
1Tyumen State University, P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), Ishim

Every competitive accomplishment in competitive team sports is traditionally analysed by the sport researchers and coaches striving to find or clarify the key factors of influence on the competitive success. However, there are too many of such factors in modern team sports on the whole and futsal in particular, and they still remain underexplored in the latter in fact.
Objective of the study was to find and analyse the success factors of the Russian national team competitive performance in the 2016 World Futsal Championship including the key technical and tactical actions (TTA) in the teamwork versus that in the 2016 European Championship. The study data showed meaningful differences in the team kicks on goal that were interpreted as pivotal for success of the Russian national team in the 2016 World Futsal Championship.

Keywords: futsal, competitive performance, success factors, 2016 World Futsal Championship in Columbia.


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