Distance education technology with of electronic education elements in physical education university
Dr.Hab., Professor N G. Zakrevskaya1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Utisheva1
PhD, Associate Professor P.G. Bordovsky1
E.Y. Komeva1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
The study analyses the modern online education technologies and outcomes of the distance education technology piloting experiment at the correspondence education department of the physical education university. The distance education technology with online education elements includes the following components: distance education program; distance education process characteristics; distance education models; and distance education technology development component with the online education elements.
The distance education technology piloting experiment showed high benefits of the distance education technology that may be statistically as accessible as the regular education models conditional on a special distance education discipline being included in the curricula. Presently the distance education technology application is regulated by the valid legislation albeit management of every education establishment may regulate the process by own local regulations to spell out the distance education policies and practices as dictated by the specific needs of the education establishment and curricula.
Keywords: online education technology, distance education, electronic education, university, physical education, students.
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