Rating age-specific junior fitness for Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex tests
Dr.Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
Dr.Biol., Professor V.D. Sonkin1
Dr.Hab. S.I. Izaak1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The study analyses the age-specific junior fitness test rates for the Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex tests. Subject to the rating tests were junior students classified with Stages 1-7 as per the 2016 regulations of the Federal GTO Complex operator for the second period of the RPCS GTO Complex implementation process. The study data show the age-specific test rate variations with the peak fitness achieved in Stage 4 (13-15 years). The test rates of the study sample were very high that may be indicative of some selectivity of the tests at this juncture when only those who are the best trained qualify for the tests rather than the whole population of one or another age group. Irrespective of the test selectivity, some tests were still difficult for the subjects, with different physicality tests being the most difficult in different stages. Some tests were 100% successful – probably due to the test execution process being unlimited in time. The study data gave the grounds to forecast the test rates in the third period of the GTO Complex implementation process and offer recommendations on how the GTO Complex tests and age-specific test standards may be improved.
Keywords: fitness, motor qualities tests, GTO Complex test standards, age groups.
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