Sportizated physical education as a basis for efficient health-building environment in general education school system



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov1
Postgraduate A.S. Khafizova1
Postgraduate E.F. Baymukhametova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to use the key provisions of systemic, eco-psychological, competency building and interdisciplinary approaches to provide theoretical grounds for a health-building environment formation process in the general education school system. The key conditions for the environmental elements interactions with the students in the health-building environment formation model are the system-forming and system-determining factors-chronotopes. Our model applies these chronotopes including, first of all, the physical education sporting concept; and, second, the health-building integration of the subject disciplines as regulated by the valid federal state educational standards. We believe that health formed as a fundamental education process product in parallel with the standard knowledgebase may be viewed as the key benefit of the health-building environment formation process and a meaningful outcome of its implementation in the school education system – within the frame of the meta-disciplinary and competency building approaches. Health may be rated by the levels of the relevant meta-disciplinary competences including cognitive, rehabilitative, assessment, educational, promotional, health improvement, recreational and sporting competences.

Keywords: health, health-building education environment, sportizated physical education, meta-disciplinary health-building competences.


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