Key stages of professional boxing sport evolution process
PhD A.R. Mamayev1
Dr.Hab., Professor M.A. Yakunchev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.D. Mikhailov1
A.I. Vlasov1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
Objective of the study was to profile, based on a historical analysis, the key stages of the professional boxing sport evolution process in the country. We identified five key stages of the process, with a special emphasis on the boxing sport progress with time from amateur practices to the modern professional sport discipline.
A major role in this process was played by the leading national boxers, their top competitive accomplishments in many events including top-ranking international competitions, and their contribution to the boxing competitive process in cooperation with the governmental decision-makers.
Keywords: sport, amateur sports, professional sports, boxing sport, boxing sport evolution from amateur to professional sports.
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