Modern physical education theory of the early XXI century




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.94-98

Dr.Hab., Professor Y.M. Nikolaev
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

The study considers some issues of theoretical knowledge accumulation in the physical education sector in the context of “sample theory” notions; and demonstrates that is it the modern physical education theory that may be applied as a sample theory. It has been recently developed via a cardinal transformation of the theoretical knowledge paradigms related to the essence of physical culture and its progress from human training and sports with formation of the relevant spiritual values (ranked among the top priorities by the valid physical education theory and practice) to the other domains; with the top priority given to development of integral human personality with its somatic-psychic (bodily) and socio-cultural (spiritual) components being harmonised (with the leading role played by the latter). Modern physical education theory may be viewed as a product of a long evolution of human knowledge in this cultural domain. The study analyses its revolutionary effects on the physical culture and sport practices, with a special emphasis on the progress path, advantages and drawback and further potential development avenues of the modern physical education theory and practice.

Keywords: modern physical education theory, sample theory, evolution of theoretical knowledge, physical education theory and practice.


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