Health improvement and rehabilitation effects of therapeutic horseback riding for children




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.57-59

Dr.Med. E.R. Yashina1
I.V. Prokhorova1
Dr.Med. P.S. Turzin1
1Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center of Physical Culture and Sports", Moscow

It was generally found that therapeutic horseback riding may be recommended as an efficient version of therapeutic physical training, since the key mechanisms of positive hippotherapeutic effects on the human body was found to be largely the same as that of therapeutic physical training. Modern hippotherapy is designed to mobilize therapeutic and disease-preventive effects of horse riding with the effects on the human body being dominated by neurohumoral mechanism and natural bodily adaptation to physical loads in the process of the relevant motor skills being developed. Special emphasis is made on the key conditions for the therapeutic horseback riding hippotherapeutic courses.
The article considers health improvement and rehabilitation effects of therapeutic horseback riding as verified by a variety of the relevant physical condition test rates and showing the physical training mechanism being efficient. As a result of the study, a health improvement and rehabilitation horseback riding course for underage children and primary pupils was developed and tested. The study demonstrates practical benefits of the new therapeutic horseback riding course versus the traditional therapeutic physical training courses with a biological feedback.

Keywords: hippotherapy, therapeutic physical training, recovery, rehabilitation.


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