Plyometric practices to develop motor qualities of Construction University students©




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.39-41

O.A. Safonova
St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg

The study considers benefits of plyometric practices for the motor qualities development process in construction university students. To trace variations of the subjects’ functional state, we formed two groups tested with virtually the same initial physical fitness rates. The subjects’ functional state, physical fitness and post-training recovery rates were repeatedly tested under the study. The Reference Group showed a marginal progress in the physical fitness rates and virtually no progress in the cardiovascular and respiratory system functionality test rates. The plyometric practice model showed its benefits as verified by the significant progress in the physical and functional fitness test rates and, hence, may be recommended for application in the academic education curricula and self-reliant off-class trainings process at construction universities. We believe that plyometric practices may be highly beneficial for any motor qualities development system. Practical tests of the new training model showed its high contribution to the professionally important motor qualities building process in physical education curriculum of a construction university.

Keywords: physical education, plyometrics, physical qualities, functional fitness.


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