Social education project to build competency for physical education and health service in future education specialist
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.21-23
Postgraduate А.А. Ozerov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Tatiyanina1
E.N. Ivanova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
It is the modern social order that determines the need for the modern education specialist being highly interested and determined in the professional competency and skills quality improvement efforts with a special emphasis on the physical education and health service quality. This service is designed to protect and improve the schoolchildren’s health and help them cultivate habitual healthy lifestyles. Modern schools are in need of education specialists who can prudently design and manage the children’s learning process with due priority to the humanistic aspects and values of the modern physical education designed for health and physical progress on the whole.
The modern approach to the academic education curricula design and content makes a special emphasis on the social and individual progress in appreciating values of the future professional education service on the whole and its health-building aspect in particular. Success of the service in case of the future non-physical education specialist may be secured by a well-developed individual social-and-professional resource that determines the content and quality of their physical education and sport service in the Sports-for-All format.
The relevant education issues need to be addressed by the most effective ways, methods, tools and models to build due competency in future non-physical education specialists to make them fit for and efficient in the efforts to protect and improve the students health. Social education project may be offered as one of such models giving a special priority to the social dimension of the process.
The study considers and rates potential benefits of a social education project in forming due physical education and health competency in a would-be non-physical education specialist services to schoolchildren, conditional on the relevant external and internal education process provisions being put in place.
Keywords: physical education and health service, physical education and health competency, social education project.
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