Academic physical education and health service to develop socially important qualities in future physical education specialists
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.18-20
Dr.Med., Associate Professor V.P. Vlasova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Neyasova1
O.N. Karabanova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk
To facilitate the ongoing reforms of the higher pedagogical education system, the national society and government have set new requirements to the professional competences of future physical education specialist. Presently the national universities need to address many challenges in the efforts to build competences and due personality qualities in their graduates to be able to: face problems in their professional careers, bear responsibility for the decisions made; keep due communication and cooperation etc.; and, therefore, a top priority needs to be given to the sustainable socially important qualities being cultivated in the future physical education specialists, with the relevant quality test rates being applied with the relevant key criteria of their fitness for practical education careers. The new challenges and requirements urge the education system to develop a variety of efficient models, tools and methods to cultivate the socially valued qualities in the future physical education specialists, with a special priority given to the academic physical education and health service to help the students mobilise and manifest the relevant personality qualities including social activity, initiative, self-reliance, determination, teamwork, courage, willpower etc.
The study outlined and analysed the key education process provisions to encourage intensive interpersonal activity of the education process actors in the academic physical education and health activity; offer due material assets and equipment to facilitate the future education specialists’ engagement in such activity; secure free access for students of every academic department and discipline to the academic physical education and health activity; and apply the relevant modern interactive technologies to support these activities..
Keywords: physical education teacher, academic physical education and health activity, cultivation of socially important qualities.
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