Physical education department service in developing teacher education system




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.9-11

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Kadakin1
Dr.Biol., Professor G.G. Fedotova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kokurin1
PhD V.V. Miroshkin1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

Physical Education Department (PED) of Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev (MSPI) was established back in 1971 and since then acted as a driving force for the physical education specialist training in the region and new research-and-education elite formation process in the physical culture and sports sector of the Republic of Mordovia. The Physical Education Department operations for this period have resulted in reforms of the education specialist training system for the national physical culture and sports sector; good progress of the research projects; new admission and graduation system; and progress in accumulation of the academic human resource and modern material assets. The Department management has always been determined in their support of the social and national development process, innovation policies and ambitious goals. As things now stand, PED is one of the most successful and fast developing units of the Institute and the only one education establishment in the Republic of Mordovia to offer modern physical education and sport specialist education services. The commonly acknowledged leadership of the Department is largely due to the high quality of its education services and accomplishments of its graduates whose names are recorded gold both in the national and global sports history. The PED graduates work in most of the regional general education establishments and highly reputable as physical education teachers, coaches and instructors in the Trade Unions Physical Education and Sports Association “Russia”, secondary special education establishments, Children’s and Youth Sport Schools (CYSS) and Children’s and Youth Olympic Reserve Sport Schools (CYORSS) of the country.
The article considers the top priority components of the PED MSPI service reforms in the physical education and sports sector in the context of new physical education models being implemented in the national education establishments.

Keywords: education specialist training, education system reform, Physical Education Department.


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