Dynamics of functional status of classical university students of military training faculty driven by sportizated physical education
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.41-43
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov1
R.G. Shaikhetdinov1
Postgraduate A.S. Khafizova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
The article presents the author's model of the experimental physical education system for students acquiring extended education at the military training faculty of South Ural State University (National Research University). This innovation educational system is based on the idea of using the sportizated physical training forms and conditions meant to improve the applied military and sporting competences of students. The obtained data on the statistically significant positive changes in the cardiorespiratory system of students (Harvard step test, timed inspiratory and expiratory capacity tests, HR at rest, PWC170 test, VO2max / kg (maximal oxygen consumption) and VEmax (maximal ventilatory equivalent, l/min), testifying to the formation of the long-term adaptation mechanisms and concentration of a cumulative training effect, prove the effectiveness of the sportizated physical education model in training of the contingent under study.
Keywords: sportizated physical education, classical university students, professionally applied physical training, applied military and sporting competencies, Military Training Faculty (MTF), functional status of students.
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