Age- and gender-specific variations of health and healthy-lifestyle values of academic youth



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.38-40

Dr.Hab. A.A. Pashin1
PhD A.N. Khmelkov1
Postgraduate A.M. Vasilyeva1
1Penza State University, Penza

The study gives an account of the age- and gender-specific variations of health and healthy-lifestyle values in the academic youth. Objective of the study was to rate some aspects of the relevant attitudes including dominance, intensity, coherence of intensity and variations of these rates and intensity profiles in the academic study period; and to identify gender-specific differences in the attitudes to health and healthy lifestyles.
The authors applied a concept of subjective personal attitudes as a practical basis for the study, with the concept assuming individual actions being largely dictated by the habitual subjective attitudes to the surrounding world pivotal for success of every activity. The empirical data generated by the study made it possible to profile age- and social-status-specific variations of the study parameters and components in the 1-4-year students; identify the dominant components in the health attitudes; find gender differences in the data pointing to certain regularities in the academic education period; and outline the ways to optimize the educational process.

Keywords: health, health values, gender-specific health attitudes, health attitude parameters and components.


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