Role of breathing exercises in combined health programs



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.35-37

PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Yarchikovskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.Е. Koval1
Associate Professor S.М. Lukina1
PhD, Associate Professor О.N. Ustinova2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

The article considers the role of respiratory gymnastics in combined health programs; gives an overview of the Oxycis-styled breathing exercises; and demonstrates practical benefits of the training program combining Scandinavian walking, shaping and respiratory gymnastics as verified by the experiment.
The study data and analyses showed the breathing exercises being highly beneficial as a part of combined programs to improve the health improvement aspect of the training process. The breathing exercises were also found to contribute to the overall physical fitness of the special health group students as verified by the progress in the students’ functional capacities and overall efficiency improvements of the training sessions, progress data analyses and subjective fatigue rating data.

Keywords: health improvement program, combined method, breathing exercises, bodily adaptive capability, Scandinavian walking, shaping.


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