Academic physical education and sport specialist professional retraining curriculum and its implementation experience
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.8-10
PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Panchuk1
Dr.Hab., Professor Sh.Z. Khubbiev1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.E. Smirnov2
E.A. Kunitsynа3
A.D. Malchenko3
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2Russian State University of Justice, Moscow
3Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow gives a high priority to the advanced education curricula designed to secure permanent education of a modern specialist. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has developed the key regulatory provisions for the academic advanced education process to supplement the main education curricula, and now Russian universities are giving a growing priority to the advanced professional education services.
Saint Petersburg State University has implemented an academic physical education and sport specialist professional retraining curriculum designed on a modular basis to secure the curriculum being flexible, adaptable to the labour market situation in the physical education sector and customisable to the practical needs, motivations and expectations of the trainees. Every trainee may be offered an individual education route/ trajectory as required by the vocational sport discipline, individual sport qualification, primary background, practical experience in the physical culture and sports sector (if applicable) and career expectations (senior teacher, associate professor, professor, department head, dean, vice-principle etc.). The advanced education course is designed to retrain the academic physical education and sport specialists for their promotion to the responsible positions in the education, practical and research fields at physical education departments and institutes.
Keywords: advanced professional education, professional retraining curriculum, physical education and sports.
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