Quantum energy method for diagnostics and competitive success forecasts in elite sports



Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Sivakov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Aitkulov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.F. Cherkasov1
1South Ural State University of Humanities and Education, Chelyabinsk


Keywords: athlete, quantum method, energy system, functionality improvement, competitive success, competitions.

Background. The quantum energizing method is still seldom applied in Russian sports for the performance improvement and energy system functionality rehabilitation purposes in many cyclic, acyclic and combined sport disciplines. The quantum method importance and potential benefits that could improve the sporting activities are still largely underestimated by most of athletes and coaches for the reason that they are still in need of basic and special knowledge on how the method may be applied for the competitive performance improvement purposes.

The quantum energizing method is being applied for the athletes’ energy system performance improvement purposes in cross country skiing, biathlon, tennis, track and field sports, swimming, rowing; and in many team sports like ice hockey, football, volleyball, basketball etc. [1-7]. The quantum energizing method is being actively applied by relevant sport specialists in China, South Korea, Japan and some other nations for the athletic energy performance component and competitive performance improvement purposes in many sport disciplines.

Objective of the study was to give theoretical grounds for the quantum energizing method being applied to improve the colour indices of the athletes’ energy systems in the education, training and competitive process in the individual and team sports.

Methods and structure of the study. As far as the practical grounds of the quantum energizing method are concerned, it is applied both in direct contact and in a remote manner as distance does not matter in the performance diagnostics and the individual colour energy system supply with potential, with the energy flowing from the specialist to individual athletes and teams regardless of where they are competing in the European or World Championship or Olympic Games. The remote quantum energizing method with the flow of energy from a specialist to an athlete is highly efficient as a targeted energy system rehabilitation tool making it possible to improve the competitive performance. The quantum energizing method gives the means to efficiently control athletes’ energy systems and optimise their performance rates in the tense education, training and competitive processes. Prior to further description of the quantum energizing method and athletes’ energy systems, let us start from the meanings and definitions.

Quantum method means the close-contact or remote impact on the body energy systems designed to test them, rate the rehabilitation progress and athlete's performance improvements in the high-intensity competitive periods regardless of the distance between the specialist and athlete/ team when the energy system coloration is tested and recovered.

Athletes’ energy system means the energy capacities of the spine canal  and energy centres pivotal for the bodily systems functions and working capacity improvement actions, with the individual/ team colour energy backgrounds being improved by the quantum energizing method in the education, training and competitive process in individual and team sports.

When athletes are diagnosed with fatigue of bodily functional systems as verified by the under-coloured energy systems, no competitive activity may be successful enough, particularly when disharmonies in the colour backgrounds of the team and individual athletes are found. In this case the competitive performance may be unsuccessful for a variety of reasons including technical faults or injuries. The quantum method is applied to test the functions and working capacity by the levels of energy in the spinal canal  and energy centres traced by their colour indices. The quantum energizing method is efficiently applied for the rehabilitation and performance improvement purposes in the rest time during the competitions (e.g. in between times or periods in hockey matches, crew shifts etc.).

The quantum energizing method may be applied to test the performance and forecast competitive success by the colour manifestations in many individual and team sports. The method gives the means to select the potentially most successful athletes for upcoming competitions: for example, for the first string formation purposes when the strongest and most energetic team members with potentially highest performance need to be selected for success.

The testing and performance improvement tools of the quantum energizing method may be applied for the following purposes:

     – Test athletes to detect disorders in the energy system functionality and working capacity by the colour indices of the energy background;

     – Rate athlete’s energy system functional fitness for the upcoming competitions;

     – Improve the energy system rehabilitation process to alleviate physical stresses of competitive processes within 5 minutes;

     – Reduce competitive stresses in athletes;

     – Improve athletic performance and working capacity;

     – Facilitate rehabilitation of every system and function within five minutes instead of massage procedures;

     – Step up athletes’ self-confidence rates;

– Reduce heart rate to initial levels within 5 minutes; and

– Facilitate the post-injury rehabilitation process.

The quantum energizing method improves the energy system colourations in athletes in high-intensity competitive periods and ensures progress in a variety of physical qualities including strength, speed, coordination qualities; plus develops the energy supply mechanisms serving the muscular activity including anaerobic lactate, anaerobic glycolytic, anaerobic-aerobic and aerobic ones.

The quantum energizing method application for not more than 2 minutes improves performance and working capacity; and the 5 minutes plus applications facilitate the rehabilitation processes making them more efficient. The most effective time of the quantum energizing method application is determined on an individual basis for both the rehabilitation and performance improvement processes in different sport disciplines. No contraindications for the quantum energizing method application in the education, training and competitive processes have been found. When the method is ineffective in recovering an athlete’s energy system of spinal canal and energy centres and these system and centres are diagnosed with underperformance, it is generally indicative of osteochondrosis, spinal trauma, muscular nervous system tension, fatigue or other traumas. Athletes diagnosed with the energy system inefficiency may not be successful in competitions. Therefore, the athletes diagnosed with the energy system inefficiency are rated competitively ineffective i.e. they are unlikely to compete successfully due to technical or tactical errors, and they are in need of special efforts taking more time for the energy system and performance recovery.

In view of the above, personal colouration of energy systems and energy centres may be classified into low, average and high functional levels as follows.

1. Low-level energy system of athletes shows little if any sensitivity to the quantum energizing method in every segment of the spinal canal from the neck to the tailbone, with the functional systems showing tensions in every system and function in the education, training and competitive processes. Competitive performances of athletes with such energy indices are low. Colour rates of the individual/ team energy backgrounds are light-brown, light-yellow, light-green or light-red. Heart rates of this group fall to the primary levels after a 5-minute application of the quantum energizing method.

2. Average energy system level implies some sensitivity to the quantum energizing method in different segments (neck, chest and waist) of the spinal canal, with the functional systems showing stable performance albeit some tensions may be present in the nervous and muscular systems in the education, training and competitive processes. Competitive performances of athletes with such energy indices are still low enough although much higher than in the low-energy group, conditional on all the other performance and special fitness rates and qualifications being equal. Colour rates of the individual/ team energy backgrounds in the group are yellowish-blue (dark and light), reddish-green and reddish-violet. Heart rates of this group fall to 6 beats plus under the initial levels after a 5-minute application of the quantum energizing method.

3. High energy system level implies good sensitivity to the quantum energizing method in different segments (from neck, chest and waist to fingers and toes), with the functional systems showing a high performance free of any tensions in the nervous and muscular systems in the education, training and competitive processes. Coloration of the high-level energy system is intense dark-red with a yellowish shade, intense reddish-violet with a blue shade, or reddish brown with a dark-green shade. Energy systems of the athletes engaged in the individual and team sports may vary in forms, contents and energy colouration indices. Heart rates in this group fall to 8 beats plus under the initial levels after a 5-minute application of the quantum energizing method.

The energy system test rates and the energy system colouration development and maintenance in every segment including the spinal canal  and energy centres are among the key factors for the sport mastery being attained. Athletes may attain high competitive success rates when their functional energy fitness is higher than those typical for the low- and average-level energy systems.

      It should be noted in conclusion that athletes may attain high competitive success rates when their functional energy fitness is higher than those typical for the low- and average-level energy systems.

Energy systems of athletes may be disordered by stresses, traumas, fatigue, overstress and conflict situations that tend to drain energy resources. Conflicts in sports on the whole and team sports in particular are highly detrimental to energy systems of the players. The situation may be further aggravated by negative emotions from the coaches that heavily undermine the already drained team energy system with negative effects on the competitive performance.


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Corresponding author: fizkult@teoriya.ru


Objective of the study was to explore the benefits of the quantum energizing method for the initiatives to improve the colour indices of the athletes’ energy systems in the education, training and competitive process in individual and team sports. The quantum energizing method may be applied to rate the athletes’ functionality and working capacity and forecast their competitive performance in individual and team sports by the colour indices of the energy systems. The quantum energizing method gives the means to select the potentially most successful athletes for the upcoming competitions (including the team compositions of the strongest and most energetic players having higher potential working capacity rates than their peers with relatively weaker tested competitive energy capacity). The quantum energy method facilitates the colour indices of the athletes’ energy systems being improved in a high-intensity training process; secures progress of a variety of physical qualities including strength, speed and coordination abilities; and effectively develops the following energy supply mechanisms: anaerobic-lactate, anaerobic-glycolytic, anaerobic-aerobic, and aerobic. It should be noted that individual colour indices of energy systems and energy centres are determined by the functionality levels ranked as the low, average and high.