Role of physical culture values in professional growth of economics students



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.102-104

Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor E.Y. Novikova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Malakhova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Galukhin1
P.A. Kostin1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article considers attitudes to physical culture in the professional values system. The physical cultural values are explored in context of the healthy lifestyles, motor activity, professional responsibilities and positions, career lines, professional communications and as a component of popular consciousness and young people’s subcultures. The study made it possible to classify the values into the following four groups. Group one values consider physical culture as an integral component of a healthy lifestyle critical for any type of professional career. Group two values consider physical culture as an important part of professional image. Group three values tend to rank physical culture and sports as communicative components of importance in the professional leisure domain. And group four values consider physical culture as a basis for professionally important physical qualities. The study highlighted some contradictions in the values system, for instance the conflict between the healthy lifestyle related knowledge component of physical culture and the professional pragmatics. The study substantiates benefits of a health fitness technologies that need to be broader applied to build the professionally important qualities and develop corporate sport culture, events and sport clubs viewed as elements of a health building system.

Keywords: values, physical culture, profession, way of life, students.


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