Practice-driven specialist training model for sportizated physical education
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.94-96
Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva2
A.V. Shabanov1
S.S. Stoycheva1
1Tyumen State University, P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), Ishim
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The study considers the issues of the practice-driven specialist training model for the sports-prioritising physical education at the general education schools. The authors believe that the physical education specialist training at universities to staff the sportizated (sports-prioritising) school physical education system may be efficient if the practice-driven specialist training model is applied with the new contents (i.e. a new Physical Education Sportization module) and new practice-driven education process technologies including the design, interactive training, professional competency testing and other methods).
Keywords: practice-driven training, sportization, physical education, training model, students.
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