Academic sport progress management as education research problem



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.89-92

PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Surgut State University, Surgut

The article gives the theoretical and practical grounds and specific provisions that, in opinion of the author, may form a basis for an efficient academic sport progress management system.
A key assumption of the study is that the academic sports are naturally inconsistent, and this aspect must be duly factored in the relevant process management paradigms and approaches. It is also emphasised that the academic sport progress management system must be designed on a multisided basis to offer age- and mentality-specific management models and duly stimulate the interactive and reflexive processes. The key condition for the academic sport progress management being efficient (with the popularity of the training and competitive activity being one of the efficiency components) is the sports promotion aspect of the physical education system including sport competitions, physical cultural and health improvement initiatives and events.

Keywords: multiple-subject development management, university sport, students, sportization, competitive activity.


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