World anti-doping system design deficiencies and key contradictions with Olympic tenets



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.73-75

P.I. Lidov1
A.A. Kurbatskaya1
Y.A. Sukhanovsky1
A.M. Kaziakhmedov1
A.I. Vorobyev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The paper analyses progress of the global antidoping system on the whole and WADA in particular to demonstrate the ideological errors made in its design stage and echoed today in the existing unfair structure of the Agency. The geocentric design of the WADA makes it possible for the majority nations to effectively lobby their interests in fact. This initial structural distortions further aggravated by the biased practical activities of the WADA largely determined by the vested interests of a few leading nations have resulted in a deep crisis of the global antidoping system, its irreconcilable conflict with the Olympic Charter and a serious threat for the global Olympic movement on the whole – since the economic and political factors of the WADA establishment and operations make it susceptible to political and other pressures in violation of the Olympic principles of equality, integrity and unbiased attitudes – still supported and advanced by the International Olympic Committee.
The raft of deep contradictions in the foundation of the WADA operations and the growing monopolism and impunity have developed the policies of areal and national inequality that lately evolved to the attempted revisions of the global sport legislation in favour of some nations, with regulatory loopholes and exemptions for some nations and closed doors for the others.

Keywords: doping, anti-doping commission, anti-doping laboratory, anti-doping agency, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, Russian Olympic Committee.


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