Academic mental health management system: psychological aspects



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.54-55

PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Koretskaya1
PhD N.P. Dedov2
Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor S.A. Polevoy2
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Dneprovskaya2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to consider psychological aspects of an academic health management system, with Plekhanov Russian University of Economics taken for the case study. Subject to the study were the University staff members (n=89) participating in the Health Week event at the REU and tested prior to and after the Health Week. The study methods included a WAM (well-being, activity, mood) test and research monitoring geared to probe the participants’ attitudes to the event and their interpersonal interactions. The WAM tests showed progress on the well-being, activity and mood scales; and the other tests showed progress of the Health Week participants in the social networking domain. Most of them were tested with normal functionality rates. The department and division management actively contributed to the event by the personal formal and informal leadership, and this may be viewed as an efficient management decision combining the authority, corporate interests and staff motivation for the team goals on the own example.

Keywords: Health week, physical activity, well-being, activity, health, health management system.


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