Ways to cope with interpersonal emotional barriers in academic volleyball teams



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.36-38

Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov1
PhD, Associate Professoк G.K. Kalugina1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The study considers problems of interpersonal emotional barriers in the academic volleyball teams that may trigger conflicts and disagreements – largely due to the players being unskillful and ineffective in communication domain. Subject to the study were 30 players aged 18-23 years from two picked volleyball teams (women’s and men’s) of Southern Urals State University. The emotional control domain of the players was classified into the following five elements for analysis: poor emotional control ability; excessive emotionality; inflexible and underdeveloped emotionality; dominance of negative emotions; and unwillingness to make friends using the emotional toolkit. To help the players overcome the interpersonal emotional barriers, we developed a communication skills improvement training including role playing games and special exercises to develop the individual communication control knowledge and skills [1]. In the role playing games the players were encouraged to report and analyse their own (and teammates’) actions, feelings, thoughts and sensations to better understand the behavioural models of the surrounding people.
The study demonstrated benefits of the 10-15-minutes-long role playing games and exercises to help the players better cope with the interpersonal emotional barriers; scale down the obstacles in the efforts to establish emotional contacts; and improve the teamwork as a result.

Keywords: interpersonal communication, emotional barriers of communication, academic teams.


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