Billiards course applied under academic Physical Education discipline for competency building



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.33-35

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Titovskiy1
I.N. Antonova1
I.N. Motorin1
N.M. Nutsalov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article reports the Russian billiards education and training model (BETM) application experience under the academic physical education discipline. Subject to the study were the economic university students majoring in finance and having no prior experience in billiards. A group of 17-18 years old female students was trained by 130-hour BETM course including 100-hour education (2 90-minute session twice per week); 20 hours for progress tests; and 10 hours for introduction, safety rules and examinations. The students’ progress in the BETM course was tested by qualitative and quantitative progress rating tests for 3 academic years; and the tests were applied to finalise and put in system the model. The model was supplemented by practical guides to duly schedule the students’ learning and training process and help the instructor effectively design the training system.
The authors come to the conclusion that the proposed final model offers a set of optimal, feasible and accessible practices. It should be noted that growth of the training load is not much effective for further progress albeit may undermine the students’ motivations for the training. The study data shows no statistically meaningful intergroup differences in the subject academic health groups and it gives grounds to recommend the billiard education and training model for every academic health group. The billiard education and training model helped effectively implement the relevant FSHES in the physical education curricula to ensure high progress in every health group irrespective of the beginner physical fitness rates.

Keywords: billiards, elective physical education course, educational competences building, students.


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