Physical education in special health group based on recreational gymnastics and billiards
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.25-27
O.V. Mamonova1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova2
PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Stolyar3
R.Y. Bulychev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
The article presents a physical education and health improvement technology based on the recreational gymnastics and billiards in application to physical education of the special health groups (SHG). The study was performed at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Subject to the study were 146 first-to-third-year students including 74 people in the Study Group (composed of the special health group students) and 72 people in the Reference Group (basic health group).
The authors have developed a physical education technology with design and contents customizable for different nosological groups to offer the most efficient combinations of the recreational gymnastics and billiards practices in the first-to-third-year curricula; special education courses for each academic year; test exercises and standards for the SHG students; health monitoring system with express tests using the ESTECK System Complex. It should be noted that it was the first time that billiards were applied in the SHG physical education process albeit this sport is highly beneficial for it offers low-intensity physical activity to effectively alleviate the mental and emotional stresses; normalise the sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on the CNS; and train eye muscles, distance judging, movement accuracy and dexterity.
Keywords: students, recreational gymnastics, billiards.
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