Actions to increase students' motivations for physical education



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.22-24

PhD, Associate Professor O.P. Kokoulina1
N.E. Kopylova1
N.G. Efremova1
V.A. Zaitsev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study was designed to explore the current motivations of Moscow university students for the academic physical education curricula that may be cultivated by educators. It outlines the key educator’s competences required to effectively motivate students for the academic physical education process; and lists requirements to the education system quality in this domain.
The authors conclude that success of the academic physical education process largely dependes on the educators and their competences. The academic physical education process must be designed with due emphasis on quality of every relevant education component, with the quality being largely dependent on the above competences and a variety of the relevant objective and subjective factors including: availability and condition of the informational basis, sport assets, instruments, academic staff, legal and regulatory framework, finance, management, institutional capacity and operational components of the education system. A special role in this context is played by the modern innovative education and practical technologies for the individual physical culture building process, including the relevant focused, problem-solving, contextual, role playing, interactive education, transformation, competence-building and institutional capacity building initiatives implemented by the relevant centres, clubs, elective courses, advanced education courses, elective training models etc., plus the modern research inputs.

Keywords: physical education, competency, socio-biological and psychophysical basics, PE teacher's functions, personal physical culture.


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