Crossfit-based academic physical education model design and content



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.19-21

Postgraduate D.A. Kokorev1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Vezenitsyn1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Vyprikov1
I.M. Bodrov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and test a CrossFit-based academic physical education model and analyse its design and contents. The study explored the basic design and contents of the new CrossFit-based academic physical education model with an emphasis on the training components; safety rules; gender-specific training modules; GTO Complex exercises; and the relevant interval, circular, isometric and combined action methods. Within the academic education curriculum, we modelled gender-specific CrossFit meso-cycles that offer combined-and-sequential physical load management designs for the physical progress of the trainees. The model also includes a set of new test exercises from the modern fitness systems geared to cultivate the right exercise performance techniques and correct the body-builds – with new approaches to the physical education competencies building process with a special emphasis on the practice-driven component and competitive fitness technologies. The model provides, among other things, a primary education mechanism applicable in the regular academic physical education process to improve the students’ physical fitness and develop their practical skills and abilities in different academic sport disciplines.

Keywords: crossfit, physical education, physical training, fitness, students, content of educational process.


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