Informational and didactic information technologies applied for physical education at economics university
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.16-18
S.Y. Vitko1
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Stolyar1
E.G. Stadnik1
M.Y. Tochigin1
Postgraduate R.R. Pikhaev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
The article overviews the newly developed electronic education information environment including an electronic education journal, mobile application “Physical education” and programmed testing ESTECK System Complex.
The electronic education journal was designed using a standard Excel toolkit, with the outcome lines and columns including the relevant formulae. The networking journal service is available in every indoor sport facility of the University and includes an attendance registration service for the academic elective sport disciplines.
The programmed testing ESTECK System Complex generates (in only 6 minutes) the following express body test data: digital bio-impedometric data, digital pulse wave data, digital heart rate variability data and skin galvanometric response data.
The mobile application “Physical education” was designed to ensure a permanent access to the above electronic journal to give students the means to keep track of their education progress.
The didactic contents of the new education model include a few interactive communication technologies such as the “reverse class”, individually controlled education, case technologies and conference lectures geared to ensure a high degree of the student’s involvement in the education process.
It should be noted that interactive education models and methods are considered an obligatory component of the FSHES implementation in the academic education process and ranked among the top priority innovative technologies to activate the learning and self-education activity of students..
Keywords: innovation, information technology, higher education, physical education, sport, health.
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