Economic benefits of mass sport events



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.12-14

PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Gureyeva1
PhD T.V. Skryl1
PhD Y.A. Sukhanovsky1
A.D. Askarov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The issues of economic benefits of mass sport events are given a top priority in the context of the modern economic and political challenges, and the increasing numbers of study reports exploring the ways to improve the efficiency of mass sport events on the whole and ethnic sport event in particular. Objective of the study was to analyse the importance of mass sport events for the host communities and their willingness to finance the events by the communal or individual funds. The study was based on the data of the Russian survey initiated and sponsored by the Federation of Traditional Festivals and Ethnic Sports of Russia, a Russian Non-governmental Organisation with a research support provided by the G.V. Plekhanov’s Russian Economic University. Subject to the representative sample under the study were 23 regions of the RF. The study data was indicative of the mass sport events being beneficial as verified by a variety of criteria including the host region’s image improvement; protection of the cultural and historic traditions; and the growing attraction of the host region for tourists. It was the personal competition and valuable competitive experience that was found to be a key motivator for participation of the local communities in the traditional games and festivals. Based on the study data, we identified the top five “ready to pay” potential host regions for the mass sport events. Furthermore, the study produced a classified account of the average income generated by the mass sport events versus the average revenues from the traditional match-days. The study findings gave the grounds to the authors to highlight the most promising avenues for the mass sport events hosting projects.

Keywords: sport, efficiency, country, management, sports mass events, region, finance, crisis, traditional games, ethnosport.


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