Analysis of the implementation of projects for the development of sports infrastructure in the Russian Federation



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.9-11

D.G. Stepyko1
D.S. Aleksandrov1
D.V. Gracheva1
Javid Allahverdi Ogly Farzaliev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Subject to the study are some aspects of sport infrastructure development in the Russian Federation with an emphasis on the most efficient public-private partnership (PPP) projects implementation and the relevant operational arrangements at different levels.
In view of the proven benefits of the PPP projects in the national physical culture and sports sector, the authors offer a range of potential initiatives to: lure private investments in the sector; develop the regional regulatory framework to offer tax benefits to the national physical culture and sports sector operators; secure more accessible loan financing mechanisms; and develop a PPP algorithm for the investors’ cooperation with the regional governments on a fair basis.
The study found that neither of the above initiatives may be successful enough unless supported by the budgetary financing and due commitment of the investor for the project implementation without due financial and economic efficiency substantiating data.
The authors come to conclusion that the PPP may be beneficial for implementation of socially important projects by the government and for the private investors who are offered new beneficial projects for investments and for new jobs; and offered a set of potential initiatives to activate the PPP in the present situation.

Keywords: sports infrastructure, public-private partnership, sports facilities, financing mechanisms, physical culture and sport.


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