Moscow G.V. Plekhanov Institute of National Economy (Mining): physical education history in 1950ies



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.6-8

I.V. Tarasova1
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.M. Kornilova1
M.V. Sokolov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Savinchenko1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study gives an overview of the key historical period in the national physical education and sports sector progress (with MPEI taken for the case study) with an emphasis on the process missions. Operations of the MPEI Physical Education Department (PED) and its contribution in the national mass sports and GTO Complex implementation were analysed on the typical examples.
The practical experience accumulated by MPEI PED in 1952-1957 made it possible to bring new quality to the academic sport process. The MPEI PED athletic training system was one of the best among the non-sporting and non-medical universities of the USSR. The academic training conditions were significantly improved due to the persistent efforts of the MPEI PED management. Important steps were made at the same time to lay a uniform basis for advancement of the sport theory and practices in different sport disciplines. The article gives an analysis of comprehensive archive materials. The study data and analyses may be of high interest and practical importance both for the sport historians, sport progress analysts, and for developers of new physical education models and methods.

Keywords: physical education, physical culture, sport, physical education program, higher education institution, MINE, GTO.


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