Training process modelling in bandy
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.72-74
PhD N.Y. Palchikova1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.S. Dobrovolsky1
PhD E.A. Gonchar1
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
Modelling process is known to provide efficient tools for the training process control. The study analyses some logics in the junior players’ ways to success and offer a training model to help attain the required physical, technical, mental and emotional control abilities. Subject to the study were 22 athletes of 15-16 years of age split up into potentially ad provisionally “successful’ and “less successful” groups. Individual performance data were processed by Neuro Pro and Deduktor software toolkits, with the 12 mental and emotional performance parameters tested and controlled using Vibramed express-test system. The test data were processed by the vibro-record analysing Vibramed method; plus a mental status test method using Omega C computerised system and expert valuation method were applied in the study.
The test data and analyses demonstrated benefits of the new model as verified by the training process efficiency improvements found by the combined tests and trainees’ physical, mental and emotional performance controls, with the individual and team progress confirmed by the accomplishments in competitions. The training model piloting experiment made it possible to offer the individual sport excellence routes for the young athletes to form a team of evenly “successful” players.
Keywords: model, modelling, training, bandy, junior players, psychophysical performance rates.
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