«Children of Asia» International sports games: growth process
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.55-56
V.V. Yadreev1
A.V. Filippov1
E.P. Kudrin1
S.P. Skryabin1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
The "Children of Asia" International Sports Games were designed to give a field for the junior athletes of Asia to meet and compete on the sport grounds, contribute to the global friendship and develop respect and tolerance to the opponents. The “Children of Asia” International Sports Games are governed by the Olympic tenets geared to create a better world via friendship, solidarity and fair play spirit being cultivated in the young competitors and audience.
The article gives a comparative analysis of the “Children of Asia” International Sports Games records for the period of 1996 to 2016. The analysis of the Games records and accomplishments showed progress of the combined international competitive formats for young people that not only generate great sport achievements but also facilitate exchange of cultural and traditional values of participating nations and help the new generations accept the traditional values and philosophy of the Olympic movement.
Keywords: “Children of Asia” International Sports Games, Olympic Games, junior athletes.
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