Academic health management system design: psychological aspects



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.23-24

PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Koretskaya1
PhD N.P. Dedov2
Dr.Sc.Techn., Professor S.A. Polevoy2
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Dneprovskaya2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to consider a variety of psychological aspects of the academic health management system design, with Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (RUE) taken for the case study. Subject to the study were the academic staff members (n = 89) who joined the Health Week events at RUE. The study was designed to test the subjects’ health in the first and final days of the Health Week and obtain the well-being, activity and mood (WAM) test rates. In addition, a research survey method was applied to test and analyse the interpersonal relations of the subjects. The outcome study data were used to classify the subjects into three groups with the high, mean and low test rates. Most of the subjects were classified with the mean-WAM-rate group, with their functionality being self-rated as the physically and mentally comfortable and the mood as calm and optimistic. Subject to the repeat test were the subjects classified with the high- and mean-rate groups. The data correlation analysis found no statistically meaningful differences between the first- and last-day test data arrays (p>0.05). However, the qualitative data analysis showed some growth of test points on the well-being, activity and mood test scales; plus many Health Week activists reported establishing new social contacts.

Keywords: Health Week, physical activity, well-being, activity, health, health management system.


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