Khabarovsk territorial sports infrastructure: development trends
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.6-8
PhD, Professor V.P. Lepeshev1
Dr.Hab., Professor S.V. Galitsyn1
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
The study was designed to analyse the regional statistical data reported by the Russian Statistics Agency to profile the Khabarovsk Territorial sport infrastructure development process as verified by a variety of progress rates for the period of 2001 to 2015. We applied an integrated approach to obtain comprehensive data on the subject and expand our knowledge of the Khabarovsk Territorial physical education and sports infrastructure situation and evolution in the relevant interregional (Far Eastern Federal District) and Federal (Russian) contexts.
The study has found some positive trends in terms of the growing numbers of major sport assets (sport grounds, indoor sport facilities, swimming pools, shooting ranges etc.) in the Territory; and in the peaking service capacity of the sport assets; plus a few negative trends in the numbers of the 1500-plus-seat stadiums and skiing sport bases. On the whole, however, the study found positive changes in the local communal demand for sport facilities being increasingly satisfied.
The authors make a conclusion that the valid Khabarovsk Territorial Physical Culture and Sports Development Strategy for the period up to 2020 may be successful in the local sport infrastructure development projects conditional on the following: due synergy of the governmental and communal sector management entities all over the region; more close and efficient cooperation in the local resource mobilisation for rehabilitation of the existing and construction of new sport bases and facilities; and supply of highly competent human resource to the sector.
Keywords: Khabarovsk Territory, sport infrastructure, positioning, Far Eastern Federal District, Russian Federation.
- Svodnye godovye formy federalnogo gosudarstvennogo statisticheskogo nablyudeniya №1-FK «Svedeniya o fizicheskoy kulture i sporte» za 2001-2015 gg [Consolidated annual state federal statistical monitoring forms No. 1-PC "Information on Physical Culture and Sport" for 2001-2015].
- Svodnye godovye formy Khabarovskogo kraevogo statisticheskogo nablyudeniya №1-FK «Svedeniya o fizicheskoy kulture i sporte» za 2001-2015 gg [Consolidated annual Khabarovsk regional statistical monitoring forms No. 1-PC "Information on physical culture and sport" for 2001-2015].