Basic applied professional physical qualities building in cadets of fire rescue academy
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №3-2017, pp.77-79
Applicant A.V. Makarov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev2
1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
The study profiled the process of the basic applied professional physical qualities building in cadets of the Fire Rescue Academy on a yearly basis and for the whole academic training period, and identified a few applied professional physical qualities that generally show a sagging trend for the academic education period. The study gave the means to develop a few modules of conditioning special physical practices to correct the applied professional physical qualities that tend to fall for the academic education period, with the relevant updates to the valid education curriculum.
The programmatic practical physical conditioning modules were proved beneficial and recommended for application in the standard education and training curricula of the Fire Rescue Academy to keep the applied professional physical qualities and skills of the cadets at the required levels.
Keywords: cadets of Fire Rescue Academy, applied professional training system, educational process analysis, basic psychophysical qualities building process.
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