Effects of single physical education session on mental and hysiological test rates of trainees in different academic sport groups



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №3-2017, pp.51-53

Postgraduate V.M. Klimov1, 2
Dr,Biol., Professor, Merited Scientist of Russia R.I. Aizman1
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk
2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk

Moderate-intensity physical workloads (with the HR varying within 130-150 beats per min) in a single physical education lesson as verified by the mental and physiological test rates of trainees in different academic sports. Subject to the tests were the second- and third-year students of Novosibirsk State Technical University going in for the following academic sports: basketball, athletics, aerobics, swimming and body conditioning (BC). A computerised test program under the study yielded the following mental and physiological condition rates: sernsorimotor response rates; brain excitation vs. inhibition process rates; memory rates (classified into the mechanical, semantic and graphical memory rates); attention concentration rates; and the intellectual workability rates. It was found that a short-term moderate-intensity physical load triggered certain improvements in the sport-specific mental functionality rates. The integrated mental and physiological performance rates were also found to increase upon a single physical education lesson in different academic sport groups.

Keywords: physical load, academic sports, students, mental and physiological conditions.


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