Team sports driven physical education of senior preschoolers



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.57-58

Dr.Hab., Professor M.A. Vershinin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Finogenova1
O.A. Saburkina1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

The study was designed to develop an active team sports driven physical education model for senior preschoolers, with more than 200 boys and girls aged 6-7 years being subject to the tests. The test program was designed to profile different aspects of the children’s physical fitness including their emotional and volitional qualities. The team sport elements were included in the regular sports-prioritizing physical education program so as to secure a transition from one team sport to the other via a prior training process. We believe that the preschoolers’ annual physical education cycle is to be split up into the following three stages with the relevant missions and objectives: Stage 1: basketball basics (technical and tactical skills) mastering course; Stage2: handball basics; and Stage 3: football basics.
The study data and analysis shows that the team sports driven physical education of senior preschoolers is beneficial as verified by their improved general physical fitness rates and emotional and volitional ability rates, the progress being achieved due to positive effects of the competitive teamwork.

Keywords: physical education of senior preschoolers, team sports driven physical education of preschoolers.


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