Morphofunctional indices in girls with different levels of motor activity: comparative analysis
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.54-56
Associate professor, PhD O.S. Krasnikova1
Associate professor, PhD L.G. Pashchenko1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The article presents the results of a study of morphofunctional indices in female university students with different weekly volume of motor activity. The girls were divided into four groups: 1 – female university athletes, 2 – female students with the average of above average health level, engaged in a certain health-improving activity, 3 – female students with the below average and low health level, who were also engaged in the extra-curricular health-improving physical activity, 4 – female students, whose motor mode was limited to the academic physical education classes.
The study found the best physical health indices in qualified female university athletes and their peers, who, besides the compulsory physical education classes, were engaged in a certain kind of health-improving activities. Low rates were found in the female students with the low health level, whose motor mode was expanded by one or another kind of health-improving physical activity. Moreover, the presence of high motivation of the latter for self-improvement and solving the tasks of health improvement requires the development and implementation of science-based methodological approaches to selection of kind, mode and content of their motor activity. To improve the morphofunctional indices of the students, whose weekly motor mode is limited to the compulsory physical education classes, it is necessary to choose such means and methods of physical education that would enable not only to achieve a health-improving effect, but also motivate students for expanding their motor activity. The detected differences stipulate a differentiated approach to the organization and maintenance of the compulsory academic and extra-curricular forms of physical education of female students.
Keywords: girls, motor activity, morphological indices, functional indices, component composition of body.
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