Marketing of health and fitness services for senior consumers: new opportunities and challenges
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.73-74
PhD J.V. Astashova1
Dr.Sc.Econ. I.Y. Okolnishnikova1
PhD A.I. Ukhova1
PhD A.I. Demchenko1
1South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Physical activity of elderly people in an ageing society is a condition for their social and economic activity, which helps reduce the negative consequences of population ageing. Physical education lessons help to maintain health and it is a form of leisure for a pensioner. However, the Russian sports and health services market for senior consumers is still underdeveloped. The marketing study results allow to conclude that the development rate of the domestic sports and health services market for senior consumers does not correspond to the Russian population ageing rate. The study also established the factors constraining the market development: the solvency of the consumer, as well as negative stereotypes about elderly people. During the analysis of Russian sports and health services market companies for senior consumers marketing opportunities were found, as well as tasks to be solved within the government policy in the population ageing conditions.
Keywords: health and fitness services, senior consumers, gerontomarketing, population ageing, market.
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