Ways to improve sport asset management efficiency
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.70-72
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuz'micheva
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The article considers the ways to improve the sport asset management efficiency and makes recommendations on how their services may be analyzed and improved. The study was designed to check the assumption that the sport asset management efficiency may be improved by the steps to: diversify the services; optimize the system design; and improve the quality of the physical training and sporting services. Analysis of the reference literature, valid legal and regulatory framework and the practical sport asset management experience showed that there is a contradiction between the growing demand for the sporting services and still low asset management efficiency. The relevant service improvement potentialities explored herein are the following: actions to diversify the core, supplementary and associating services; optimize the system design; find ways to improve the attendance rates of the municipal sport facilities; rate and improve the service quality of the sport assets; apply the “economic mass service theory” to the service facilities including, among other things, actions to promote annual/ quarterly unlimited service cards; and using the relevant mathematical tools to assess and advance procurements for the sector. Further studies will be designed to improve the service quality; find the best forms of public-private partnerships (PPP); duly motivate the personnel of the municipal sport facilities for the service improvement initiatives; develop the physical training/ health improvement/ sport infrastructure building projects to meet the top modern standards etc.
Keywords: sport assets, services, efficiency, service quality rates.
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