Hatha-yoga practices to improve physical education process efficiency
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.21-23
Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Kondakov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Kopeikina1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Balysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor А.N. Usatov1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
As things now stand in the Russian academic physical education system, a top priority is given to the initiatives to improve the students’ somatic health and physical activity; cultivate the need for regular physical practices (including self-training); and to find the most efficient and popular physical practices and have them implemented in the academic physical education curriculum. The persistent student’s health deterioration trend urges the national sport science to develop and have implemented in the education process a variety of modern health methods and technologies on a systemic and categorical basis. The article gives theoretical grounds for a set of Hatha-Yoga exercises being applied to correct specific vertebral column disorders in students of special health department (SHD). The set of exercises of our design was proved beneficial as verified by the meaningfully improved dorsal and abdominal muscle endurance rates, spine flexibility rate in the sagittal plane, shoulder girdle flexibility, bodily aerobic capacities and hypoxic tolerance rates; physical working capacity rates; general tested condition of the cardio-respiratory system; and higher somatic health levels.
Keywords: vertebral column disorders, vertebral column and muscular corset status tests, Hatha-Yoga.
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