Attitudes of physical education teachers to modern physical education trends



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.9-11

Dr.Hab., Professor F.I. Sobyanin1
PhD, Associate Professor L.E. Pakhomova1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Petrenko1
PhD, Associate Professor Е.S. Nikolaeva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

The study was designed to survey attitudes of physical education teachers and educators of secondary vocational education establishments to modern physical education trends, developments and innovations. Subject to the questionnaire survey were 197 physical educators and teachers of the Belgorod region, the survey data being supported by a content analysis of 135 study reports. The study was performed in 2016-2017 at the premises of Belgorod State National Research University and Belgorod Institute of Education Development. The survey sample included 85% male and 15% female aged 47.7 years on average with the employment records averaging 20 years, with the sample considered representative. The survey data and analyses showed the subjects’ attitudes to a few modern innovations in the national education system being contradictory and wary.

Keywords: teachers, educators, trends, physical education, attitudes.


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