Ontokinesiological approach for sportization of physical education within national education system



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.6-8

Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.I. Zagrevskaya
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

The study analyses the essence of the ontokinesiological approach to sportization of physical education based on the integrated knowledge of human motor activity and movement with a special emphasis on the ontological aspects. The study demonstrates the complex nature of a human kinesiological potential including a variety of psychological, biomechanical, morpho-functional, motor coordination and motor conditioning abilities that, being integrated, are referred to as the individual mental and physical motor qualities. As provided by the age-specific human motor skills evolution concept, an individual kinesiological potential is most efficiently developed by the relevant physical conditioning and competitive training tools within the frame of sportization of physical education. A training process going on within the kinesiological educational universe with its interpersonal educator-trainee, pupil-pupil and student-student interactions being designed to secure a facilitating environment for self-development and self-building of the individual kinesiological potential.
It should be noted that the proposed ontokinesiological approach was developed based on the previously described kinesiological concept and the Balsevich’s human motor functionality age-specific evolution concept with contribution from anthropic educational technologies.

Keywords: ontokinesiology, anthropic technologies, kinesiological potential, training process, competitive training, sportization of physical education, trainees.


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